State Of The Art: New York @ Urbis in Manchester, April 9 - September 6, 2009

9 April - 6 September 2009
Cathedral Gardens
M4 3BG
Urbis is located in Cathedral Gardens in Manchester City Centre, just next to Victoria Station and easily accessible by bus, train, tram, car or on foot.
Tel: +44 (0)161 605 8200
State of the Art is a new series of exhibitions at Urbis presenting the best creative talent from some of the world’s most dynamic cities. From April, discover cutting-edge contemporary art from the hot-bed of cultural creativity - New York.
This is a chance to see the very latest contemporary art coming out of one of the world’s most exciting cities – New York – the capital of the contemporary art scene and hot-bed of cultural creativity. With contributions from16 artists (including four new commissions) the exhibition features painting, performance, video and installation. Political and social satire abound, with highlights including Manchester’s statue of Abraham Lincoln dressed as a Hip Hop Fan (Leon Reid IV) an autobiographical installation fusing rock ballads, video, sculpture and drawing (Matthew Lutz-Kinoy) and an animated take-off of the recent US presidential election process (Kenneth Tin-Kin Hung). Audiences can expect the unexpected from these young artists.
Artist Exhibiting:
Graham Anderson - Painting
Tamy Ben-Tor - Film, installation
The Bruce High Quality Foundation - Mixed media installations, interventions, performance
Michael Paul Britto - Video, installation
eteam - New Media, installation, online
Forays - Public realm interventions and gallery installation
Gandalf Gavan - Light Installation
Kenneth Tin-Kin Hung - Animation, installation
Jennie C. Jones - Sound, installation, drawing
Matthew Lutz-Kinoy - Performance, sculpture, installation
LoVid - New media performance, installation
Leon Reid IV - Public realm sculptures/installations
Shelter Serra - Sculpture, installation, drawing
Michael Schall - Drawing, printmaking
Carolyn Salas & Adam Parker Smith - Sculpture, installation
Joe Winter - Sculpture, installation
Labels: bonchinches, brittofied, manchester, michael paul britto, state of new york, the gossips, urbis
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